About Me

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I currently study and live in Birmingham and am in my second year of university, undertaking a degree in media and communication. I used to blog (about fashion, style, clothes etc.) but for various reasons stopped. However, I now find myself at a point where I have more developed and informed opinions on an array of different things, including the fashion industry. This blog is not going to be photos of outfits and clothes, but my view on a multitude of topics surrounding the fashion industry. Fashion is something that I love but as media undergraduate I want to write articles that avoid the wishy washy adoration so commonly reflected in fashion blogs and magazines. It's interesting to look a little further and dig a littler deeper.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

rain rain go away

Sorry for the lack of posts. I was meant to do one today which would basically be a big haul mainly featuring make up and other beauty products, but we didn't go shopping because of the atrocious weather (non stop rain all day). It will probably next week instead as I need to get a dress for a party I'm going to. So in the mean time I thought I would show you a couple of photos from the shoot with Bex. Enjoy.

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